
About Me

Omar Al Bahlani

Architectural Engineer & Arch-Viz Artist

   Born and raised in Muscat, Oman. I developed strong passion for architecture since middle school. I like to learn new skills and push my creative boundaries to new territories. A lot of my skills are self taught and I thrive on expanding my expertise in architecture and design. My creativity pushed me to explore and learn interior design, graphic design, architectural CGI and animation.

   I graduated from the University of Miami with a BS in Architectural Engineering. When I graduated, I  made a pledge to myself: “My graduation day will not mark the end of my learning phase. Instead it is a only a milestone in a journey that never ends”.

   I founded MIINT as a brand name for my personal designs for the following reason:

“I strongly believe that I will revolutionize the architectural field in my own way. I want to allow people to move in and experience their dream home before its built.”

    – Omar Al Bahlani